Wednesday, August 6, 2008

MacFuse and MacFusion SSH mount problems with TextMate

In order to mount remote file-systems I started to use MacFuse. Before using MacFuse, I have been only mounting remote file-systems via AFP or Samba, but it was always slow and didn't work very well when using different user names for the same server.

With MacFuse and the nice GUI wrapper for SSH mounts called MacFusion it is more convenient and very flexible. But I had some problems when mounting a file-system from an old Solaris server. When I edited some HTML files and saved them frequently with TextMate, I started to have some strange behavior with misplaced characters in the displayed webpage in Safari.

I added the following lines to the "Extra Options (Advanced)" field for the different favorites stored in MacFusion:

-o sshfs_sync -o workaround=truncate

So far I didn't encounter anymore problems and I hope this fixed the issue.

More about the possible Extra Options can be found at Jannis Hermanns' place.

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