Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some useful TextMate shortcuts

⌘+make font bigger
⌘-make font smaller
⌥⌘Tinsert special characters
⌃⌘Topen "Select Bundle Item" dialog
⌃⇧Aopen subversion dialog
⌃⌘Rselect currently open file in project drawer

⌘Lgo to line number (opens dialog)
⌥→jump to next right word
⌘⇧Tgo to symbol (opens dialog)
⌘F2Add/remove bookmark
F2go to next bookmark
⇧F2go to previous bookmark
⌃Wselect current word
⌘⇧Lselect current line
⌘/comment / uncomment selection
⌃⌘↑move selection up (also works down/left/right)
⌥⇥indent selection (add ⇧ for opposite direction)
⌘⇧Vpaste previous entry from clipboard history
⌃⌥⌘Vpaste from history (opens dialog)
⌃⌥⇧Vpaste selection online (opens dialog)
⌘↩add empty line below current (and go to it)
⌘⇧↩add empty line below current (with line terminator)
⌘⇧&open HTML entity and escape tool dialog
⌃⇧Lwrap selection as link (URL from clipboard)
⌃⇧Nshow count (lines,words,bytes) of selection
lorem⇥add some (lorem ipsum) text

⌃⌘Nnew project
⌃⌘Ssave project
⌃⌥⌘Dshow / hide project drawer
⌃⇥toggle focus (drawer, buttons, editing)
⌘Topen "Go to File" dialog
⌘1-⌘9open tab number 1-9
⌥⌘→go to next tab on the right
⌥⌘←go to next tab on the left
⌥⌘↑switch between same name files (x.c & x.h)

Project Drawer:
open selected file
SPACErename selected file
expand selected folder
collapse selected folder


Eric said...

One shortcut that you're missing that I use often is ⌃⌘R which selects the currently open file in the project drawer.

GTD Marc said...

Hi Eric, thanks for the hint. A good shortcut not to be missed. I added it to the post. Best regards, GTD Marc