Tuesday, February 17, 2009

WD Desktop Elements Mac Icons

Since I just bought two 1 TB WD Desktop Elements hard drives for my Mac, I also searched for some nice icons that would go nicely with the Leopard theme. Unfortunately I only found icons for the WD MyBook series. With some inspiration, Adobe Photoshop CS3 and img2icns I managed to produce a set of black shadowless WD Desktop Elements icons for the Mac. Enjoy! If someone requires the same thing for the "white" version of the hard drive, please let me know in the comments.

Download the black shadowless WD Desktop Elements icons.


Stephen Foskett said...

Glad to have provided inspiration! And here I thought I was nuts for wanting my drive icons to look like actual drives!

GTD Marc said...

The look and feel of the Mac OS makes it quite tempting to "beautify" all those different little details like drive icons or specific data folders. I first hesitated on trying to produce the missing icons by myself, but after having seen how easy you managed to do this, I also gave it a try and was surprised actually how quickly and easily this can be done. Thanks again for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

As you said in your post, I reply in your comments asking for a white version of your beautiful icons. Since I've got both a black and a white one, two different icons would be perfect to distinguish the drives. Thank you!

greetings from Mannheim/Germany,

GTD Marc said...

Hi Johannes

I'm happy to hear that you like the icons and can use them. I'll see if I can find all the required pictures in a satisfying resolution to make the white icons. Also need to remember how I made the "stretched" version, because it has been a while. :-)

Will let you know if I got successful, but probably will take a few days since I'm quite busy at the moment.

Best regards,


Unknown said...

That would be great! Let me know when you're finished.


Anonymous said...

Saw you made this a while ago, but just came across it. Beautiful. Thanks for the work!

Anonymous said...

This is f***** awesome.

FYI: just do a Google search to convert the .icns to Windows .ico format, too, if you're using the drive in FAT32 or something.