Saturday, May 30, 2009

Download complete notifications with FirefoxNotify for Eeebuntu 3

FirefoxNotify works fine with Eeebuntu 3 and also Ubuntu 9.04. Just install the plugin and you will get "Download Complete" notifications in the same style as you get the notifications for device enabling/disabling, volume up/down/mute, etc.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Improving performance for Eeebuntu 3.0

There are several ways to improve the performance for EEEPCs with Eeebuntu 3.0:

You can give the sound card a dedicated interrupt by editing /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and adding the following line: options snd_hda_intel enable_msi=1 (source from Eeebuntu forums).

You can also accelerate the boot time by letting the kernel do some optimizations for the boot process as described in the corresponding Fastboot entry in the Eeebuntuwiki.

If you have any other suggestion on ho to improve the performance n Eeebuntu for EEEPCs, please post a comment.

Fix error message stating that Xorg is not configured correctly on Eeebuntu 3.0

Whenever I started my EEEPC 1000H with Eeebuntu 3.0, I got an error on the top right corner saying something about a touchpad problem related to my xorg.conf.

The answer to fix this problem can be fount at the corresponding Xorg entry in the Eeebuntuwiki.

Just copy & paste the provided text to your xorg.conf and all should be fine. It work at least for me without any problems.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How to mount fat32 partition in Linux as read & write for everyone

On my EEEPC 1000H I wanted to have a shared partition being able to use it from Windows 7 and Eeebuntu.

Edit your /etc/fstab as follows (change /dev/sdaX to your shared partition location):
/dev/sdaX /mnt/shared vfat defaults,user,auto,umask=0 0 0

Now it should automatically mount the partition and it should be readable and writable by all users. If you want to disable auto-mount of the partition, replace auto with noauto.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hibernate fix in Eeebuntu after swap resize

I just got myself a nice ASUS EEEPC 1000H and directly installed Eeebuntu on it.

Hibernate was never working for me out of the box after installation, so I resized the swap space, because I thought it might be too small (which actually broke even more).

Here are the steps I used to finally enable Hibernation:
  • launch  gnome config sudo gconf-editor and navigate to "apps -> gnome-power-manager -> general" and make a mark at "can_hibernate"
  • in the terminal enter blkid and copy the UUID of the swap partition
  • edit the filesystem table using "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" and add previously copied UUID of the swap space to the line to mount the swap partition: UUID=xxxx none swap sw 0 0 (where xxxx is the copied UUID)
  • edit the initramfs settings for resuming using "sudo gedit /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume" and add the previously copied UUID: RESUME=UUID=xxxx (where xxxx is the copied UUID)
  • enable the new initramfs settings by typing sudo update-initramfs -u
This might also work for other netbooks and also other linux distributions.

Can't wait to try out the new eeebuntu 3, which should be available tomorrow.