1) Pre-Install requirements
- Install Bootloader including PC-EFI9 with Chameleon 1.0.12 integrated (download here)
- Install newest XNU 9.5.0 kernel (download here)
- Install Universal Installer "UInstaller" (download here)
- Install OSX86Tools (download here)
- Backup all your 10.5.5 extensions using OSXTools86 by clicking "Backup extensions" (e.g. back them up to ~/old-10.5.5-kexts)
2) Updating to 10.5.6 (info from here)
- Open Terminal.app and type
- ”sudo –s”
- *type password*
- ”while sleep 1;”
- ”do rm –rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext;done”
- Open 10.5.6 Update Installer (download 10.5.6 Update here)
- Run update BUT DO NOT RESTART!
- Go back to your terminal and press Control-C to end the script
- In Terminal.app type:
- ”nano /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1” and replace the line Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext with dsmos.kext if any exists (exit using "CTRL-X" and save by pressing the "Y" key)
- Open OSX86Tools and check "Repair permissions" & "Set Extensions permissions" & "Clear Extensions Cache"
- Restart
3) Apply various fixes
- Fix Time-Machine with UInstaller (select "Apply Ethernet EFI String (Time Machine Fix)")
- Fix startup resolution with UInstaller ("Set Native Boot Resolution to: " with your appropriate values)
- Install some fixing kexts using UInstaller ("Apply kext package")
- Fix unknown or wrong processor string in "About this Mac": edit the file /System/Library/CoreServices/Resources/English.lproj/AppleSystemInfo.string and replace '"UnknownCPUKind" = "Unknown";' with your choice (e.g. "UnknownCPUKind" = "Intel Core2Quad Q6700 2.66 GHz";), make sure not to use any special characters!
- Remove (if exists) ALCinject.kext from /System/Libarary/Extension
- Create a temporary kext install folder (e.g. a subdirectory in your home folder called install-extensions)
- Copy from the backup 10.5.5 extensions folder (e.g. ~/old-10.5.5-kexts/Extensions) the file seatbelt.kext to the temporary kext install folder (e.g. ~/install-extensions):
- Download and unpack patched AppleHDA.kext (download here) for ALC883 (might also work with others), then copy it to the temporary kext install folder (e.g. ~/install-extensions), more patched ALC88X drivers from Taruga are available here
- Download and unpack HDAEnabler.kext (download here), then copy it to the temporary kext install folder (e.g. ~/install-extensions)
- Download and unpack the AHCI fix for 10.5.6 (download here), then copy the two kext files (AppleAHCIPort.kext and IOAHCIFamily.kext) to the temporary kext install folder (e.g. ~/install-extensions)
- Download and unpack sleep fix for 10.5.6 (download here), then copy only the file EHCISleepEnabler.kext to the temporary kext install folder (e.g. ~/install-extensions)
- Download and unpack fixes for USB (download here), then copy both files (IOUSBFamily.kext and IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext) to the temporary kext install folder (e.g. ~/install-extensions)
- Install all the kernel extensions from the temporary kext install folder (e.g. ~/install-extensions) using OSX86Tools (button "Install Kexts")
- Restart
- Open OSX86Tools and check "Repair permissions" & "Set Extensions permissions" & "Clear Extensions Cache"
- Restart
Various sources I used to compile this guide, apologies if I left someone out, if so, please tell me and I will add the missing ones:
- PC-EFI9 installer
- Safely updating to 10.5.6
- AHCI fix for 10.5.6
- Fix for sleep on 10.5.6
- new ALC88X AppleHDA drivers by Taruga and link to the kexts from Taruga
- How to use Universal Installer
- Fixed drivers for USB on 10.5.6
- Problem with new seatbelt.kext and the XNU kernel
- Fix unknown processor string in "About this Mac"
- 2009-02-20: changed link to point to new AppleHDA.kext and added link to forum post about Taruga's ALC88X kexts with corresponding link to the kexts
- 2009-02-24: changed link to point to new AHCIFix.zip
Hey man, thanks for the advice. I've been following your blog for the last 6 months or so because you have similar hardware to me and I find it really helpful updating my hackintosh to the latest versions.
If you're interested, I run the ASUS P5KC board as well as a Q6600 and ATi HD3870.
Really looking forward to installing Pages 2009 after this update and checking out the new build of xcode. Thanks a lot!
Hi Max, thanks for the feedback and for following my blog. I cross my fingers that everything works fine for you with the update. Please let me know if all went OK.
I waited a long time before I did the udate on my machine, cause it seemed not so easy and to have a lot of issues. At least I got that impression when I checked the different forums. But eventually I gave it a try and I have to say that my machine runs now very smooth with the new kernel and the 10.5.6 update. And I also finally could install iWork'09 and iLife'09.
Nice Mainboard you have btw, are you using it with DDR3 memory? Aside the Asus P5K-VM I use an ATI HD3850, Q6700 and 8 GB of DDR2 800 MHz RAM. I'm really happy with the performance of the machine, also running multiple virtual machines using VMWare Fusion works fine.
Well, everything works ok apart from I have lost sound. I looked around but everything says the same information I have read from you (which seems to be the latest).
I'm using the ALC338 chipset, any ideas?
I also had some trouble with the sound in the beginning, my board also has an ALC883.
Try a "Repair Disk Permissions" with "Disk Utility" on your system drive, I remember that this solved some other issues I had after the update on one of my tries.
What does it say when you check "About this Mac" -> "More Info" in the "Audio (Built In)" section? Do you have no entry, one or even two? Does anything show up in the "System Preferences" in the "Sound" section on the "Output" tab?
If you don't see any devices in the two places mentioned above then check if ALCInject.kext is deleted from the Extensions folder or if there are any other ALCxxx kexts there. Do you have both HDAEnabler and the patched AppleHDA kexts in the Extensions folder? You could also try again using OSX86Tools with checked "Repair permissions" & "Set Extensions permissions" & "Clear Extensions Cache".
I can try to have a closer look at the issue tomorrow at work where my OSX86 machine is.
Ok, I've checked out everything you mentioned. I think I've got some problems, when I go to "About this mac" it shows weird text.
See here: http://screencast.com/t/YujLU8L9
Also, when I go further into More Info... I see this "There was an error gathering information".
See here: http://screencast.com/t/5IDxNjQpw3J
The strange thing is, my audio hardware is listed now as Intel High Definition Audio
See here: http://screencast.com/t/GJ2tozQID
But there is nothing in my Sound Devices in System Preferences
See here: http://screencast.com/t/IIynZufP6
The only thing I think that COULD have triggered this is when I went into OSX86 tools and pressed "Modify About This Mac" and pressed Autoset CPU Info (which I assumed has broken the rest because it put TM and R characters in?)
Ok, I fixed my "About this Mac" screen by resetting the variables in OSX86Tools so I guess that's not the problem. Although it thinks my CPU is 3.8GHz for some reason!!!
See here: http://screencast.com/t/Z9APziEj
Hi Max, I had the same problem with "ABOUT_BOX_VERSION_..." showing in the "About this Mac" window. After fixing that by resetting it with the OSX86Tools I also got an "upgrade" to 3.8 GHz. :-) That's why I put the info about how to change the string manually in the guide (see in section 3: "Fix unknown or wrong processor string in "About this Mac").
I also have the same thing with the "There was an error gathering ...", but I don't think this should cause any problems or worries.
My sound devices also show twice the Intel High Definition Audio (first one with the same Device ID). But I dont' have anything below "Available Devices:" (no microphone jack, etc). Is in your BIOS settings something like "High Definition Audio" or similar enabled?
I just noticed, that my AppleHD.kext has a different size than the one downloaded using the link for AppleHDA.kext on the guide (the one in my Extensions folder is 3.3 MB large, whereas the one from the download link is 1.2 MB). I'll try to find the download location of the one I use in my Extensions folder. How big is the one in your Extensions folder?
Oh, last night, when I shutdown AppleHDA.kext gives a Kernel panic. I think the one I downloaded is corrupted or just wrong. If you could upload your kext files that would most likely help me out!
OSX86 has a good community but there are too many people asking questions, not enough answers. That's why I like you blog because it's straight forward, straight to the point. Also, interesting posts too.
Did you see my blog? meridimus.com
Hi Max, thanks for the nice words about my blog, I'll also have a look at yours. Indeed it is often not so easy to find the right answers in the great and inventive OSX86 community.
I updated the link for downloading patched AppleHDA.kext to point to the working (at least for me) 3.3 MB version (available here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/teqcidxznye/AppleHDA.kext.zip). Don't forget to use OSX86Tools and check "Repair permissions" & "Set Extensions permissions" & "Clear Extensions Cache" after you installed the new kext.
I added also a link to other ALC88X kexts from Taruga (but I think that's not the place where I got the 3.3MB AppleHDA.kext from).
Please let me know if it worked for you with the 3.3 MB version. If you feel adventurous you could also try it with one of the ALC883 kexts from Taruga.
Hope this fixes the sound issue for you.
Sound is back! It's definitely the AppleHDA.kext no more kernel panics either! Thanks a lot
Oh no, I can't shutdown properly. I'm re-reading your post.
Hi Max, I will provide you another AppleAHCI.kext (I think it was this one that caused some problems as well) tomorrow, a friend of mine also had some trouble with the USB and memory sticks because of that kext. Try to do a Disk Utility "Repair permissions" and then the first three clean / repair options from OSX86Tools. Does it show any error message when it crashes on shutdown?
Hi Max, updated the link to the AHCIFix files, please try it with the files provided here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gzymm5amkoy/AHCIFix.zip, again repair permissions in "Disk Utility" and "Set Extensions Permissions" & "Clear Extension Cache" using OSX86Tools as described in the guide. Hope this solves your shutdown issues.
Thanks for collating all the info on the various issues into one post. It gave me sufficient confidence to attempt to upgrade from 10.5.4 and I'm typing this on the install, with the the vanilla kernel. (Motherboard is a Gigabyte 965P-DS4).
Still wish I could get the more than stereo sound though...
Keep Blogging!
Jeremy W
Hi Jeremy W,
thanks for your feedback. It's good to hear that the update to 10.5.6 worked fine for you (except the digital sound). You have a very nice Motherboard with the GA-965P-DS4. So it seems that P965 based motherboards also work with my update guide (using vanilla kernel instead of voodoo kernel).
Someone on the InsanelyMac Forum (check here: http://tr.im/hyib) claims to have a working kext with digital sound working for 10.5.6. Maybe you can try to contant him. Please let me know when you would manage to make digital output sound work, so I can maybe link to the kext for future reference.
Hi Marc,
Nice mini guide! Thanks for getting all the information together. I agree with what has been said before www.insanelymac.com is just too large to be looking for what you need sometimes. Too many unanswered posts....
Anyway this has gone pretty well - I'm using a Asus P5Q-Pro MB and all is working apart from the Sleep.
If its any help to Max I got sleep working using AppleHDA.kext version 1.24. Let mw know if you need me to send you a copy!
Any hints on sleep appreciated....
Hey, my shutdown never actually worked again after updating to 10.5.6 although sleep works fine. I have no idea what the problem is, I've just been to busy to come back and ask since making this game the last few weeks.
Hi David and Max
Thanks for the feedback.
David, did you install the sleep fix for 10.5.6 (EHCISleepEnabler.kext)?
I also had once trouble with sleep/shutdown because of the AppleHDA.kext.
My current setup works well (sound and usb work fine), though sometimes sleep/shutdown has also some problems related to the ATI 3850.
Nice game Max, though I seem to have bad luck never reaching the promised land so far. :-)
Hey GTD Marc,believe or not i just got into the Mac on PC scene a week ago.I pretty much mastered everything up to 10.5.5 with Kaly 10.5.1 originall install disc.My set up GA-EP35-DS3R,Q6600,Alc889A
snd Visiontek X1650 pro 256.In 10.5.5 I have resol and QE/and whatever it's called working.I updated to 10.5.6 yesterday using Netkas method removing the CPUManagement etc repair permissions and cange the Don't steelmac kext,and installed Chameleon 1.0.12 ,with latest Voodoo and it actually worked.But I had to use the full update not the 300meg one.As soon as I replaced the ATI 1000
and ATINDRV kexts with 71c6 ID that I have,all went south.I could boot in the system anymore it would stay at the gray screen,but I got into safemode.To make a long story short I reinstalled everything to 10.5.5 and cloned my drive so I don't have to do it again.My question is reading your install there are lots of things you did extra, is that specific for your chipset or a general install guide?Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post.
Hi Marc,
I should have said in my original post that I too suffered from a lack of system profiler info i.e. "There was an error gathering...".
After a long search on insanelymac I eventually found this (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=137112&view=findpost&p=1068483).
The SysProfilerFix listed there worked for me. Hopefully it will work for you and you can update your excellent guide.
@Jeremy: Thanks a lot for the hint, I tried the SysProfilerFix from the link, but unfortunately it did not work and I still get "There was an error gathering...". Will try to find another fix, wish me luck. :-)
@Anonymous: Welcome to the OSX86 family. :-) Some of the fixes that I mention are hardware specific (e.g. sound fix for ALC883). What kind of ATI card are you using? My 3850 works fine with the driver used as mentioned in an earlier post: http://gtdmarc.blogspot.com/2008/11/ati-radeon-hd-3850-on-osx86-1055-with.html
Hi Marc, and thanks for your guide!
I also have a P5K-VM, and like so many others don't get sleep to work.
So my questions, why did you choose the voodoo kernel? To get sleep to work? I run the vanilla kernel mostly because the voodoo kernel and the apple wireless keyboard aren't that good buddies..(can't get them paired).
Sleep is quite important to me, so would love to get it fixed..
Hi Sebastian
Thanks for your feedback. I used Voodoo mainly to get sleep to work, I would say it works around 75% of the time fine, the other times I think the GPU driver seems to cause some problems (the fan of the GPU runs at full speed after wake-up and the monitor stays dark). Same problem with restart that only works 75% of the time.
A quick search did not return any new useful information regarding the problem.
Which GPU are you using?
I hope the sleep and Bluetooth situation will improve with 10.5.7 Update and the new Voodoo kernel respectively.
Hi Marc!
Sorry for the late reply.
I got a old Mac Mini now for the sleep problem.
I however use my osx86 as mediacenter so sleep would still be great.
Now I don't use the BT keyboard anymore so I will try the voodoo kernel once again.
I have a nVidia 8600Gt 256Mb.
Used use Nvinject.. but not sure if thats the best one for 10.5.6...
Are there some important BIOS settings for getting sleep work 75% of the times.. i've never got it to work :/
Marc, I've written a guide to go from 10.5.6 to 10.5.7 — you might find it useful and possibly add to it.
Hi Max
Thanks a lot for the great guide, I will make a blog post with a reference to your guide. I'm still running 10.5.6, but with your guide I will try to do the update within the next few days. Thanks a lot for the info and keep up the good work.
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